NEW: OMQ´s beta chatbot on ChatGPT / GPT-4 level

To the chatbot



The OMQ team - We rethink customer service

We are OMQ - a team of AI enthusiasts who work every day to make customer service easier and more efficient. With intelligent automation solutions, we are revolutionizing the interaction between companies and their customers - worldwide.

OMQ Team

We improve customer service of 100+ leading companies.

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Rethinking customer service

We are OMQ - pioneers in the AI-based automation of customer service. With our intelligent software, we answer everyday requests quickly and reliably, reduce costs and increase customer satisfaction. We develop customized solutions to solve every service request efficiently.

Rethinking customer service

OMQ Team dinner

Our team - United in diversity

We are a diverse team from different cultures and disciplines. Our cooperation is characterized by openness and tolerance. We are driven by our shared vision of automating and improving customer service worldwide. We love what we do - and you can feel this enthusiasm in every project.

Our team - United in diversity

OMQ Team boat tour

Over 100+ companies trust in OMQ

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